Our Motor Insurance Covers are categorised as follows:  Comprehensive, Third party,  Third party fire and theft only.



Comprehensive Motor Insurance: This product offers insurance cover to the vehicle and the insured person as a policy holder. It also provides cover against accident damage, theft fire, collision lightning, explosion and third-party liability claims that may be accrued by the driver or the vehicle.



Third-Party Only: This product covers the insured against any claims that the insured may be legally liable to pay in compensation for injuries, death to third parties and for accidental damages to third party property.



Third Party, Fire and Theft only: This product covers the insured for loss or damages to the insured’s own vehicle as a result of fire, lightning, explosion, theft or attempted theft including third party liabilities

The Motor Insurance Benefits


Free Towing Services

UGI ensures a stress free and painless management of your car's breakdown impacts or accidents;

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Windscreen cover

UGI provides specific cover for glass damages, ensuring that the driving experience remains a safe one;


Funeral Cover

UGI also provides funeral cover for accidental as a consequence of the insured person or insured vehicle

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Health cover

UGI provides cover for clients hospitalised through accidents to enable faster and quality recuperation process;

Motor Insurance Online Services

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I am interested in the Motor Insurance product

Frequently Asked Questions

Is my vehicle covered

  • It all depends on the type of cover and claim and usually these we settle the fees with the repairer not to you as a client.
  • Motor – police report, 3 repairers’ quotations, driver’s license and filled out claim form.
  • No claim will be paid unless premiums are up to date.
  • Yes, provided that the policy is cancelled immediately.
  • No cash back, but there is a NCB for motor policies.
  • It is not automatic. Therefore, we need to be notified about the death and that cancellation is required.
  • There is no waiting period for short term policies.
  • Yes, provided you get it valuated first.